rebooting HMC


I would like to know wheather rebooting HMC will impact on Management Systems or Lpar inside it is showing?

or I have to shutdown LPAR then only reboot HMC.

Rebooting the HMC does not have any affect on the running systems. The only consequence of such an action is if an LPAR / frame were to go defective whilst the HMC is coming back. Also the listing of the systems will not change when the HMC comes back unless system discovery has been set to run on reboot.

can you please let me know how to set system discovery off state. or how to check the current settings.

your lpars will report the reboot potentially as sysplanar error in errpt
there are certain firmware levels on the hmc that might cause loss of lpar profiles / corruption

But either way - no need to bring down your lpars or the frame ... but make sure you have a backup of your configuration

Be sure that this really is an HMC, not a VIO server. We learnt 'the hard way' when someone performed an action that booted the (single) VIO server and suddenly the dependant LPARs ceased. As they were not set to auto-start, we spotted the problem pretty quickly, but still had the worry of crash recovery.

I hope that this is not the case for you.


Thanks to all for your valueable input.

I am facing the issue of No Connection in HMC, Two Physical Servers are connected in HMC.

Servers are up and LPAR are running fine.

but I am getting NO Connection in HMC for Managed Systems.

I have checked the cables ,cables are connected properly.

How to troubleshoot the issue?

Do you have one or 2 HMCs ?

I had problem with power5 servers sometimes they needed 24h or more to connect HMC. Probably it is related to dhcp expiration

If you have 2 HMCs - you can use second one to force network renew in ASMI

If you have physical access to server disconnect FSP (HMC) ports directly from managed system wait 1 min and connect them back they should rediscover faster.

If you have only remote access you can disable port on switch and connect it back.

I had the same issue and opened a PMR with IBM. This was our problem and resolution.