Reboot, System is Frozen at setting interface for multicast HELP

I'm not an advanced user by any strech, that being said here is my problem:

I ran "reboot" on a sun blade 2500

When loading up it runs through the usual routine, checking disks, filesystems and then it locks up
after the following message:


starting rpc services: rpcbind done.
Setting default IPv4 interface for multicast: add net 224.0/4: gateway ekss-unix


and then there is no activity what so ever. Please help.

It's not a server or anything, just a cad station. How can I get back to the login screen?

Any help would be greatly appreicated.

just a shot in the dark, does your server mount a NFS filesystem ? if so, chance are the nfs server might be unreachable ...

Your shot in the dark was not far off. Turns out there is a Linux server that it's mounted to, or somehow connected to for backup of data. That machine was down suffering from a bad power cord, making it unreachable.

Thanks for your reply.

hi eyukins

i also got same error msg....have you get rid of this problem...let me know solution...

His machine was mounting a remote NFS share, that share was not available so the machine hung waiting for it. I understand he restarted the NFS server.

Yes, I just restarted the NFS server and all was well.

Hi ..i think there is some NFS version mismatch try changing the NFS version in /etc/default/nfs file from version 4 to 3 and try should work. Dont forget to restart your services again after doing any changes.
