realtek card

hello dear friends

I install Solaris (Binary free Program for x86 PC) and my network board have problems with the configuration.
My network board is realtek and the chipset is rtl8139, solaris have support for my network board.
when I ping my ip address , i din't have aswer.
Solaris 8 see my network board on boot initalization
I use linux and i have acknowledgment with ifconfig, but ifconfig the solaris is diferent
Any friend Can help me?
What the command i can use for configure my network board?

Thanks Friends

Good Christmas

I'm Sorry for my english

Your english is fine.

Read the man page for ifconfig - here is part of it from a Solaris 8 system:

example% ifconfig le0 plumb

 Once a physical interface has been "plumbed", logical inter-
 faces  associated with the physical interface can be config-
 ured by separate plumb or addif   options  to  the  ifconfig

 example% ifconfig le0:1 plumb

 allocates a specific logical interface associated  with  the
 physical interface le0. The command

 example% ifconfig le0 addif up

Also read the man pages for defaultrouter, nsswitch.conf, hosts. To know if your system sees the card, dmesg may help (pipe to more or grep the interface)