Reading old Unix files on windows pc

I haven't used Unix in years, I have alot of old Unix files SVR3 on 5 1/4 that I need to move over to a windows platform. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.

How old? I'd be worried about whether the disks are still viable. I can't even trust my "old" 3 1/2" disks or drives these days.

The disks are still viable, recently copied the files from the old Unix computer.

Have you got the original computer? Does it still work?

There were several types of 5.25" floppy disc with variation in recording density and number of sides. Within this there were many alternative disc formats (including optional IBM PC format on some versions of SVR3).

You need to know absolutely everything about how these discs were written (hardware and software) to stand a chance of reading them back. Most of the time you will need the original computer and some timeless file transfer software like "kermit" or "ftp". Unless these are plain text files, there is no guarantee that Windows will be able to process them.

Magnetic media are not permanent and after 15-20 years stored in ideal conditions you will be lucky to read them.
If you need to test an ancient floppy drive, use an expendable blank disc rather than something irreplacable.

If the files are very important (and you have the funds) it may well be safer to employ a specialist data recovery outfit.

(Posts crossed. Implication that the original computer is available and that the discs are newer than 15-20 years).

I agree -- much better to copy using some form of networking or I/O. Many ways you can coerce the data across a serial port, etc.

OK thanks, will give it a try