reading line by line and grepping

I've got a file which I am reading line by line (using read line) into a variable.

I then want to do a grep on that line to check for something. I've tried a number of methods none of which seem to work.

I thought I had it with the code below but for some reason it doesn't like it and comes up with the message below that

echo $line | awk 'match($line, Ashok) > 0 { echo "line matched" }'

awk: syntax error near line 1> awk: bailing out near line 1

Any ideas ? How else could I do it ?


while read line ; do if echo "$line" | grep "Ashok" ; then echo "line matched" ; fi ; done

Thank you very much - that has worked a treat... ( :

wouldn't this be somewhat the same ( if not , almost ) as

# grep -q "Ashok" file && echo "line matched"
line matched

Doh! An excellent point! :o I got wrapped up in the 'read line by line' bit and lost sight of the actual goal :slight_smile:
BTW, The -q flag is new to me actually, one less pipe is always a good thing. Cheers!