Reading extension of files

I need a command to read extension of files. Could anyone please help me?

ls -l |grep *.tgz

this will grep for the particular extension you need.

if I get your question right... then you need to read the extn of all the files? Am I correct?

If so, above code will be of less help.

You can try this:
var2=$(echo $var1 | sed 's/.*\(.\{3\}\)$/\1/')
echo $var2

What this will to is read the last three characters of your file name[assuming that your file extn is of 3 char only]

Many Thanaks,

ext=$(echo $abc|awk -F "\." '{print $2}')

print $ext;---> txt

If you have to cut extension from all the files, U can using loop to list out all the file names, then inside that loop , u can use it.

below could be more generic.

/home->echo "myfile.tmp" | sed '/\.[^.]*$/ s/.*\.\([^.]*$\).*/\1/p'
/home->echo "myfile.tmp2" | sed '/\.[^.]*$/ s/.*\.\([^.]*$\).*/\1/p'
/home->echo "myfile.tmp2.tmp345" | sed '/\.[^.]*$/ s/.*\.\([^.]*$\).*/\1/p'

Hi Anchal,

Can you please explain the code above.....

Thanks in advance.

echo "" |  sed 's/.*\.\(.*\)/\1/' 

will work for all.

it is just a regex.
first of all i m modifying the solution.
pl refer to this

it is searching for the pattern like this..

.* - anything
\. - literal dot.
[^.]*$ - anything after dot except dot at the end.
\(..\) - save the regex found
\1 - replace the regexp saved.

in previous solution i was first searching for the pattern.

Why do you use an external command when you can do it in the shell?
Why do you use an external command when you can do it in the shell?

since i am not good in bash programming. Have to learn a lot :rolleyes::rolleyes:

cfajohnson is right! You can even do it with tcsh:

set filename =
echo $filename:e
ls | sed 's/.*\.//'

It's not just bash; it's the standard Unix (a.k.a POSIX) shell.

this is simple to understand

echo "myfile.tmp" | awk -F"." '{print $NF}'
echo "myfile.tmp2.tmp345" | sed 's/.*\.//'