Reading Awk lines into variables help plz

I have output from luxadm display commands as below :-

DEVICE PROPERTIES for disk: /dev/rdsk/c10t60020F200000C8083F951F4C00012863d0s2
  Vendor:               SUN
  Product ID:           T300
  Revision:             0201
  Serial Num:           Unsupported
  Unformatted capacity: 242705.500 MBytes
  Write Cache:          Enabled
  Read Cache:           Enabled
    Minimum prefetch:   0x0
    Maximum prefetch:   0x0
  Device Type:          Disk device

   Controller           /devices/sbus@2,0/SUNW,qlc@1,30000/fp@0,0
    Device Address              50020f230000c6b3,5
    Host controller port WWN    210000e08b07b2bb
    Class                       primary
    State                       ONLINE
   Controller           /devices/sbus@a,0/SUNW,qlc@1,30000/fp@0,0
    Device Address              50020f230000c808,5
    Host controller port WWN    210000e08b07ffbb
    Class                       secondary
    State                       STANDBY

I have multiple c10<mpxio holder> devices i'm stepping through in a loop.
I want to pull out the Capacity and the Device Address info from above.
I then want to split up the Device Address string via the , to get a wwn and a lun/slice number
I then want to reference a variable called the wwwn so it displays a real text string.

My script is currently this. (Its in eary phases so not checking things. I just want function atm)


#T3 references.
#If the t3 ref will be in a $var itself
#use the following to get the more meaningful txt
#echo "$(eval print \$_$var)"


print "VxvmDisk to Mpxio Place Holder\t\t\tto T3\tSlice"

#List of Vx disks
for vxdsk in $(vxdisk list | awk '/^T/ {print $1}')
        #Get mpxio place holder
        mpxtag=$(vxdisk list $vxdsk |awk '/^c10/ {print $1}')

        #luxadm display /dev/rdsk/$mpxtag | awk '/capacity|Device Address/ {printf "%s ", $3}' | while read capacity devad1 devad2
        luxadm display /dev/rdsk/$mpxtag | awk '/capacity|Device Address/ {print $3}' | while read capacity devad1 devad2
                #Due to dual paths to slice we only
                #only need to ref one devad

                echo "devad = $devad1 $devad2"
                echo "Capacity = $capacity MB"


        # Print info out per lun
        print "$vxdsk = $mpxtag = $(eval print \$_$t3) slice $t3slice, Capacity $capacity"

The while read isn't working as the output from awk is on separate lines. I've tried a printf, but am lacking in awk knowledge to get the variables out how i need them to manipulate later.

Any ideas or is further explanation needed?