Read vars iteratively

I have a tab delimited list of 311 server & account names which I want to read those 2 variables and then connect to each server and get info on that particular job account. I've tried the following:

while read server acct; do
        printf "********$server\t $acct***********\n"
        ssh $server "grep $acct /etc/passwd" 
        done < srvr_acct.lst

But this code bailed on me after making the first connection. Seems like this would be a simple fix, but it's Monday and I am not seeing it.

Input file is in the format:

server1<tab>job account1
server2<tab>job account2

Can anyone help?



while read server acct<&3; do
        printf "********%s\t %s***********\n" "$server" "$acct"
        ssh $server "grep '$acct' /etc/passwd" 
        done 3<srvr_acct.lst

Or use ssh -n ... so it does not suck from the while loop's stdin.

That was the ticket. Thanks so much for both responses.