Read the entire output fired by ps command

Actually I want to display the entire output fired by ps command. My output gets trucated after 80 chars.
Thus, i am not able to see the entire command running when i give a ps -eaf ....

Does anyone know how do i display the entire output fired by ps command .. (i.e the command along with arguments which appears at the end shuld not get truncated ).

Thanks in advance ...

did you try to send ps output in a file?
like ps -ef>> /tmp/deneme.txt

then check the deneme.txt file.

$ ps -eaf > output
$ cat output.txt

or try

$ more output.txt

ps -x

-x displays extended process command line

see the ps manpage.

try "ps auxwww"

Yes, BSD style ps will do that as per the previous post.

On a Solaris machine that would be

as oppsed to the normal