Read the csv file and assign the values in to variable

I have a csv file with the values seperated by commas.I want to extract these values one by one and assign to a variable using shell script.Any ideas or code?

You need to post a sample from your file. 2-3 lines will do.

I would tell you to directly read the fields into variables by changing the IFS variable, but it would be better if you could give a sample.

sample file name:sitenames.csv,324kb,1,MyPlace,2,Mysite,Public site

Datas will be in this form

Not able to open the sample file

i have just put the content of the sample file which is seperated by commas.Not attached any file..

assuming sitenames.csv,324kb,1,MyPlace,423kb,2,Mysite,Public site

while IFS=, read site space number name
  echo "site      -> [${site}]"
  echo "space   -> [${space}]"
  echo "number -> [${number}]"
  echo "name     -> [${name}]"
done < sitenames.csv

What if number of fields are not known and they vary among the lines
how do we capture and print them as shown above

while IFS=, read site space number . . . . . ( n number of fields )

not using this paradigm.
read the entire 'line' into a variable, figure out how MANY fields there and assign them appropriately knowing the name/variable of every field number.

Others may have other ideas.

If the fields vary that much, and if this file is relatively large, use awk.

Another way is store in dictionary/hash. eg Python

>>> d = {}
>>> for lines in open("input.txt"):
... 	all = lines.strip().split(",")
... 	d[all[0]] = all[1:]
>>> d
{'': ['324kb', '1', 'MyPlace'], '': ['423kb', '2', 'Mysite', 'Public site']}

I noticed you used ksh should this work in a bash

while read str
# delimeter ,
# parse str to the array flds using delimeter $IFS
set -A flds -- $str
IFS="$oIFS" # return org IFS
[*]} # number of values
#1st field value is value of flds[0]
# print "1st fld value = ${flds[0]} "
done < sitenames.csv