read removable disk


I am trying to read from a small disk , 256 MB , removable sandisk.I am not able to access the device. The system does not recognise my disk to copy file s from the disk.

Please post your solution in this issue.

I think we need some more info to help you.

What OS are you using and what device are you using to connect the sandisk?

If you are connecting it with a USB connection to a Linux box (which I am guessing is probably the situation) for example, you should see it list as one of the scsi devices. You may have to reboot in order for the system to see it. If you run 'dmesg' and look through the output, you should see it listed somewhere. It will be something like /dev/sda.

You can then mount this by creating a directory, for example /sandisk and running 'mount /dev/sda /sandisk'.

This still does not mean you will be able to read the disk, it depends on how it was formatted.

Again, more info would probably help the forum suggest solutions.

Hello Tony

Your information was of immense use for me. I was finally able to read the files.

Thank you very much.
