read integer from file C

Hi , Can you have a look at my code it should display integer in file but it doesn't

#include <stdio.h> 
/*  This function reads two values from a file. */ 
int demonstrate_fscanf(void) 
    FILE *InFile; 
    int b, numValuesRead; 
    InFile = fopen("fadata.rtf", "r"); 
    if (InFile == NULL) { 
        printf("File not found.\n"); 
        return -1; 
    /* Read two numbers from the file */ 
    numValuesRead = fscanf(InFile, "%d", &b); 
    printf("%d.\n", b);
    return 0; 
int main(void) 
    return 0; 

File content

3 4 6 7 8 9

rtf files (rich text) are not straight ascii files. If you input file is really an rtf there is a problem there.

Next, your code calls fscsanf() once and read a single number. There are several numbers. You need to add several more variables and several more %d values in your format statement.

Finally - this looks amazingly like homework. Is that the case?

it is home work but I just so screw up but I will try first Thank for ur help

On second thought I'd better not answer. We have a homework forum and homework rules, which you're not in, and not following. Please read the rules in the homework forum and use it.