Read input while executing the command

Hi everyone, i have made a very simple script where it reads the user input and converts the number from celcius to faranheit but instead of running the command and prompting the user for input I want to be able to simply enter a number at the end of the command to run the script.

ex. instead of using ./tempconvert

use ./tempconvert 100

I have googled and looked in my book and can't find out how to do this.


echo -n "Enter a temperature in Celcius:"
read temp
# formula tf=(9/5)*temp+32
tf=$(echo "scale=2;((9/5) * $temp) + 32" |bc)
echo "$temp degrees C is $tf degrees F"

Command line arguments are available within the shell script via positional parameters. In this case, $1 would be set to 100 ($0 is the name used to invoke the shell script).

Regards and welcome to the forum,