Read file and get the data then put it in array


I have a file called "readfile" it contains below parameters

#cat readfile

word=/abc=225,/abc/cba=150 three=12 four=45 five=/xyz/yza

likewise multiple line.

From the above file, I have to read "word"

output should be like,


these values need to be put in an array.

to understand your req clear please more lines from input file and also the reason why it needed in array? also let us know the shell you are working on?


Thanks for quick reply,


  1. runtime a script has to read a file and get the values of "word"
    here "word" may contains one or two fields separated by comma,


as it has two fields, So I need to put it in an array, so that I can use each filed at a time.


awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i ~ /word/) {split ($i, A, "[=,]"); print A[2] " " A[4]}}' file
/abc /abc/cba

and read man bash (or whatever your shell be) on how to assign to an array.