Read exit value from Shell script

Hi all,

I have a situation to read exit value of a command (not exit code) and process further.

bash-4.2$ returnvalue=`ssh DOMAIN\\\\user1@ 'cmd /c "del C:\Users\user1\db_test.bak"'`
Could Not Find C:\Users\user1\db_test.bak
bash-4.2$ echo $?
bash-4.2$ echo $returnvalue

I intentionally made "db_test.bak" not available because i want the return value to be captured.

The expectation is the return value " Could Not Find C:\Users\user1\db_test.bak "to be assigned in a variable.

Appreciate your help


Hello baluchen,

Could you please try following and let me know if this helps you.

ssh user_name@host "commands" 2>error_output

Now above will capture the errors if any will come from commands, if you want to see them then you could run following command.

cat error_output  >&2

Let me know how it goes it then.

R. Singh

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returnvalue=`ssh DOMAIN\\\\user1@ 'cmd /c "del C:\Users\user1\db_test.bak"' 2>&1`

although I'm not too sure how MS handles error msgs to stderr nor how it assigns exit codes.

Thank you Singh. It worked as expected.

Thank you