read a file as input and pass each line to another script

Hi, I am trying to write a ftp script which will read a file for filenames and ftp those files to another server. Here's my ftp script, but it's scanning the current directory for file names.

My question is how can I pass multiple files (these files will have the name of data files that need to be ftp'd) to this script and it will read the files for file names, check if the file exists in a particular directory, ftp those files to and write a log file of all the files that have been ftpd over. I would really appreceiate some assistance. Thanks..


temp="/tmp/$(basename $0).$$" ; trap "/bin/rm -f $temp" 0

echo "taylor" > $temp
echo "cd $targetdir" >> $temp

for file in *
if [ -f $file ] ; then
echo "put $file $file" >> $temp
echo "skipping $file: not a file." >&2

echo "quit" >> $temp

ftp $remote < $temp

exit 0