Read a file and put it in HTML format


I have one file as follows and I need to read this file contents in an HTML format. And send html file to some mail ids using sendmail.

                            Communications Pvt Ltd

AccountId    Name     Code    IdBill    Balance    Amount
-----------  -----     ------   ----    -------    -------
123123        aaaa      11       12       1000.00    1111.00
--               --         --        --         --          --

TOTAL   :                                                     1111    

Can anybody help me out?

What do you mean by html format?

you could simply add a pre tag around it... or do want to build a full table structure ?

You have provided your input - is this exactly the same for all inputs, or will you have multiple rows etc ?
What is your expected/preferred output?

And....What have you tried so far? Post your attempts and you will get feedback and assistance...

I'd go from the opposite direction. I'd start with an html template that has the (outer elements of the) table pre-written.

Then, I'd use perl or PHP to scrape the text file and drop the listed values into rows. That works out to a file read and a loop, and all the hard work is done before you run the script.

You might find following Perl script useful... Feel free to tweak it for your needs.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $acc=0;
my $tot=0;
my @dsplit;

my $infile='input.dat';
my $outfile='input.html';

open(I,$infile) or die "Error opening input file: $!\n";
my @data=<I>;

open(O,">$outfile") or die "Error opening output file: $!\n";

print O "<table>\n";

foreach my $line (@data) {

  if ($line =~ /^Acc/) {

  if ($line =~ /^TOT/) {

  if ($acc == 0) {
  print O "<tr><center>$line</center></tr>\n";
  elsif ($acc == 1 && $tot == 0) {
  $line =~ s/  */ /g;
  @dsplit=split(/ /,$line);
  print O "<tr>";

  foreach my $record (@dsplit) {
  print O "<td>$record</td>";
  print O "</tr>\n";
  else {
  @dsplit=split(/ /,$line);
  print O "<tr><td>TOTAL:</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>$dsplit[-1]</td></tr>\n";

print O "</table>";

$ cat input.dat
                            Communications Pvt Ltd

AccountId    Name     Code    IdBill    Balance    Amount
-----------  -----     ------   ----    -------    -------
123123        aaaa      11       12       1000.00    1111.00
232423        abbb      21       12       1000.00    9999.00
156763        acdf      11       12       1000.00    1111.00
145633        aasw      31       12       3333.00    7777.00
235453        wwww      11       12       1000.00    1111.00
232343        asss      31       12       1000.00    1111.00
332423        eeEa      11       12       1222.00    7777.00
253123        aaaa      12       12       1000.00    1111.00
253123        adfd      11       12       1000.00    4444.00
125443        aAda      10       12       2434.00    1111.00
662123        hgja      11       12       1000.00    1000.00

TOTAL   :                                                     xxxxxx
$ ./
$ cat input.html
<tr><center>                            Communications Pvt Ltd</center></tr>
<tr><center>                                     Report</center></tr>