Read a date value from other file.

My Situation is

I have to read a date value from previuosly created file and need to increment the date in the newly created file. I need unix scripting for the above condtion.

Thanx in advance.

Nice homework:)
Please read Simple rules of the UNIX.COM forums: before posting, especially 5 and 6.

for your kind information... its not a homework. I work in a corporate company where I work on Informatica with unix OS. As I am new to unix scripting..I have brought this question to the forum. It may be simple...yet unsolved puzzle to me. If you could suggest me with good idea that will be appreciable.

"Date and time" calculation is not a simple puzzle and the solution depend on your "Unix" like OS.
School homework or a work related homework are the same and whoever ask you to solve this puzzle try to test your knowledge.
Anyway the title of the thread don't reflect the real problem.
Please read the rules, search the forum for previous solution and if you are unable to solve the puzzle , start a new thread and post a sample data.


PS : We are not here to solve your problems, we can help however you should solve your problem by yourself.