Random Sentence Generator

I need to create a table with random sentences. I need lines that are upto 1000 characters in lenght. I need a random sentence generator that will create sentences and output it to a text file. The sentences should be of lenght varying from 1 to 1000.

Does anyone know how this can be achived.

What sentence should look like ? Only alphabetics ? Spaces ? Numbers ? special characters ? Perl, awk ? Shell ?

Do the sentences need to make sense? I am referring to proper english grammar -- a noun and a verb and so on.
Do the words need to make sense? Does the text need to contain "real" words, or are random arrangements of letters ("lrea" for instance) acceptable?

Yes, the sentences need to make sense. May be I can give an input file with some paragraph.

any Type of script will do Perl, awk shell all are good.

The sentences can have any character like numbers, special characters as long as the sentence makes sense.

I would think that you would

store your sentences to array values
STRSENT[1]=1st sentence
STRSENT[2]=2nd sentence

use the RANDOM function (RNDM=$RANDOM),
then correlate the random number of 1-32k to your actual possibilities
for example, if 12 possible sentences, MYRNDM=12*$RNDM/32k
to get a number from 1-12 (may need to play with that a bit)


take a look here.

thank you for your prompt replies. But I am looking for meaningful English sentences.

You could create a series of files with word types populated with values (this could be done with hashes/arrays):

Nouns (bus, car, house, Ed, Tina, etc.)
Verbs (move, love, gave, sold, etc.)

Create a template for what makes up your "perfect" sentence types.
style1="noun verb noun"
style2="article adjective noun verb"

Chose a random sentence style

Chose random words to populate the positions in your sentence.

Bob's your uncle!