ram size in sun solaris

I need to check ram size and currently free in sun solaris box

Total ram: prtconf | grep Memory
For current free, it would be best to use top. Or else, you can use vmstat.

> prtconf | grep Memory
Memory size: 8192 Megabytes

The above is 8mb ???

> vmstat
procs memory page disk faults cpu
r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr m0 m1 m5 m6 in sy cs us sy id
0 0 0 6346568 2718288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 2 2 4294967196 0 0 -17 -10 -1

could u tell me total physical memory and free memory now

8gb you mean ...

Physical memory is 8mb is ok

Now tell me free memory

generally vmstat gives the statistics of the virtual or swapped memory memory, here this statistics may changes based on the process handling, so
prtconf | grep Memory is the only instance of getting the physical memory info

for getting the available free memory using free only we can get

How do I know the free memory for creating another oracle instance

Use sar -r. The output is in pages available:
-r reports unused memory pages and disk blocks:

                 freemem                 average pages avail-
                                             able     to     user


You can check the pagesize on your system using the pagesize command and multiply that with the freemem to get the number of bytes free.

00:00:00 freemem freeswap
00:05:00 55231 3516920
00:10:00 55697 3523353
00:15:01 55820 3525048
00:20:00 55831 3516405
00:25:00 56004 3527199
00:30:00 56557 3536617
00:35:01 56658 3537858
00:40:00 56096 3519500
00:45:00 56544 3533461
00:50:00 57110 3538281
00:55:00 56966 3526247
01:00:00 57622 3543673
01:05:00 58208 3544007
01:10:01 58125 3541247
01:15:00 58566 3540626
01:20:00 58934 3553958
01:25:00 59873 3570670
01:30:01 60686 3584695
01:35:00 60732 3574105
01:40:00 61099 3586523
01:45:01 60866 3579143
01:50:00 60587 3564594
01:55:00 60976 3579511
02:00:00 60993 3578550
02:05:01 63150 3567562
02:10:00 62358 3540240
02:15:00 62561 3547554
02:20:00 62368 3541880
02:25:00 63065 3557576
02:30:01 63227 3559676
02:35:00 62705 3542004
02:40:00 58721 3471088
02:45:00 60885 3509944
02:50:00 60637 3505715
02:55:00 57674 3443795
03:00:01 62115 3532625
03:05:00 62327 3525089
03:10:00 62911 3541438

Average 59487 3540225

freemem command is not working in sun solaris

the above are the output from sar -r