RADIUS server for SSH authorization

Good day to anyone. I need your help.
I want to create a centralization server for authorization my users via SSH connections. My manager suggested me a RADIUS + PAM, but frankly speaking I read a lot information about these and understood one thing - RADIUS could work only with password authorization. It means I should create users without password on every RHEL system. I tested for myself freeradius and I think this soft can't create and keep users accounts with right permissions (gid, uid, group) - ONLY password authorization. Am I right ? I really read a lot documents in the Internet and all manual include next step "... you must create a user on client server for login ..."

What I need. I want to have clear server which will be setted on authorization server. Withous any users and groups. Clear. I'll connect from my PC via SSH to some server and last one should request information about my account from authorization server. Then it should load my defauld profile, permissions and "clear system" which hasn't any users and group shoud understand my rights (gid, uid, group).

Is it possible ? I think try LDAP+PAM+SSH. Any ideas ?
Thanks and sorry for my bad english.