"Out of Memory" after reboot for only Tuxedo DB servers on AIX 5.3

Hello all,
I am working on an AIX 5.3L machine. I am currently trying to work on getting all of my Tuxedo servers booted for my app. However, some of these servers also use the Oracle 10g R2 client to connect to the 10g2 DB. AT FIRST, everything was working fine.
Anyway, one night all of the apps were brought down, and the machine had to be rebooted. NOW, all of my DB servers (i.e., the ones that are using the 10g2 client to connect to the DB) are showing "Out Of Memory" errors every time I try to boot them.
I have exhausted all options. I applied maxdata, checked memory & their limits (and set all sections of ulimit to unlimited). Available memory is fine also. Finally, I even tried to rebuild the apps with maxdata applied from the compiler also. I STILL get the "Out Of Memory" errors, and that didn't start until the machine was rebooted.
Anybody have any ideas?

What is happening in the boot process right before you get the error message?

tmboot -s das621

exec das621 -r -e MA62XOA1GRP.timings -A -- -r ma62xoa1 :
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program das621 because of the following errors:
0509-022 Cannot load module /apps/momentum/stg62/lib/liboci638d_10.a.
0509-150 Dependent module /apps/momentum/stg62/lib/libclntsh.a(shr.o) could not be loaded.
0509-026 System error: There is not enough memory available now.
0509-022 Cannot load module das621.
0509-150 Dependent module /apps/momentum/stg62/lib/liboci638d_10.a could not be loaded.
0509-022 Cannot load module .
CMDTUX_CAT:819: INFO: Process id=409680 Assume started (pipe).
1 process started.

The libraries can be a different one ever time. This is as far as it gets. I was mainly wonderfing if teh reboot could cause any problems of this sort.


Also, verified that my PATH and LIBPATH is correct.