"Downloading" your posts? Is it possible?


First off. Thanks a lot for UNIX.com, it has been a great help.

I just want to know if there is anyway of downloading my post. For example, can I do a search and then download those posts into a zip file?

The main reason I am asking this is because I want to keep them as a personal reference of some sort.

At the moment, I do a search of my posts and when it's been closed, I saved them as .mhtml.So far, .mhtml saving is working unlike in Unixcraft :slight_smile: Sometimes I do a copy-and-paste of the Printer Friendly version.

Any advise will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Sorry... we do not support this. All posts and threads are permanently in our database so you can always find them here.

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Thanks Neo.

I'll just continue to do how I am doing at the moment. Good to know that they are permanent. :slight_smile:

I'm not sure if this helps (probably not), but remember you can save threads as "printable" versions (see attached image).....