Question on Find Utility

Hi Guys,

Do you know how can I find files with modificatioin time less than 30 MINUTES using the find utility?

Or if u have any other mechanism to find it using script, I'll appreciate it.


man find, and then check the -cmin option, if any.

Hey ghostdog74,

I'm using AIX 5.x and HP-UX 11.11.x and there is no -cmin option:

poppy@zooberi /home/poppy> find . -type f -cmin +30
find: 0652-017 -cmin is not a valid option.

Any more ideas???

if the present date and time is 19th sep 2007 and 11:45 then

touch -t 200709191115 /tmp/test_file

find <path> -newer /tmp/test_file -print

find / -type f -mmin -30

This will give all the files which one modified since last 30 min before.

find / -type f -mtime -3

This will give all the files which one modified since last 3 days

Sanjay Tripathi

Sorry, what I meant was finding files more than 30 minutes old but not older than 1 day:

30 min < file stamp < 24 hrs.

I'll be checking this using a script running on cron.
Thanks for your ideas..any more???

Note: -mmin option of find isn't available in AIX/HP-UX that i'm using