Question form unix newbie

hi, just starting to learn about unix in school. got stuck on shell script chapter and need some help i completed task one but the other four is byond me.

Task 1) Write a shell script/program called dow that takes no arguments and displays just the current day of the week in lower case (i.e. mon, tue, etc.). Hint: use date command piped to tr. You will eventually turn in the following:
a) cat dow
b) dow

Task 2) Create two files as a preliminary to this project. Make the file named names1 contain:
Make a second file named names2 contain:
Write a shell script named nameit that outputs a sorted list of unique names from the files. Sample output:

edgar ee hd mary ts

The shell script nameit should contain two Unix commands:
1) First assign the unique lines to a variable named NAMELIST by using the �u option on sort.

Example: to assign the output of the date command to a variable named MYDATE one would type MYDATE=`date` (those are backquotes around the date).
2) Then display the value of the variable NAMELIST twice within the script using echo, once before the assignment, second after the assignment.
NOTE: Do not create NAMELIST at the system prompt.
You will be turning in the following commands later but you can try them out now:
a) cat names1 names2
b) cat nameit
c) nameit
d) echo $NAMELIST

The last echo commands show that the shell variable NAMELIST no longer exists after the script has been executed.

Task 3) Write a shell script called nbin that uses the if/else statement. Here is the script described in English:

"If there is no bin directory under the current directory, then display the message No local bin here; else display the message bin has XX files" (Note: the XX will be substituted with the acutal number of files in your bin directory)

You will eventually turn in the following:

a) cat nbin
b) nbin

Task 4) Write a shell script called verbose that takes no arguments. Store separate parts of the output from the date command into shell variables using cut within backquotes. Then use these shell variables to create the following sample output.
Today is Mon day 11 of Nov in year 2001 at 11:49
You will eventually turn in the following.
a) cat verbose
b) verbose


One of the rules is dont post your homework here.

ok, thx