Question for Sun explorer

I am running Sun Explorer to collect data, but /proc is very big in size so it is takin time to get completed. (Running from past 3 hours). I ran -->

/opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer -w all,zones
root@tsrim03:/# ps -ef | grep -i explo
    root 27623  6539   0 06:28:59 pts/1       0:03 ksh -p /opt/SUNWexplo/tools/proc
    root  6539  7362   0 06:19:20 pts/1       0:01 /bin/ksh -p ./explorer -w all,zones

Can anybody suggest, if I can comment something in this script to bypass running on /proc ?
I know, there is a option to exclude any module from running it as below

explorer -options -w default,\!module_name

But I am do not know module name, which is running query on proc.

for a oneoff solution you can just kill the process and explorer will continue to run the other modules...