Question about several things in C

Hey guys, first of all I'd like to say Hi to everyone. I am new here and this is my first post.

I have a question about some C stuff. I am in Computer Science and I have an assignment for a UNIX Applications course. It is really complicated, however.

We're using the C language for this and this is my first time using it(I have used C++ before and theres not really any major differences, as far as I know).

Our prof has asked us to examine disk files in hex. He wants us to write a program that will be used as a command with several options. First, I remember we could easily use getopts to handle options in Bash. Is there a similar command for C?

Then he wants us to display the relative offset from the start of a file. Is there a command for that too? I can't find anything in my textbooks and any help would be appreciated.

Alas the rules say no homework questions.