Query to SELECT only Column Names that Contain a Specific String?

Hey Guys,

I'm using SQuirreL SQL v3.5 GUI to fetch some data that I need for something I'm working on. I'm also using the IBM Informix Driver (*Version 3.5) to connect to the Database.

What I want to do, if it's even possible, is to show all COLUMNS if they contain the word "Email".

So in Pseudo basically this:
*I know this isn't correct, but just so you have an idea of what I'm trying to do...

SELECT * from db.MyDatabase where COLUMN_NAMES like "%Email%"

So basically I want to see ANY column that contains the word "Email"...

Is this possible? Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated, I am by no means a Database Admin and barley a novice, I really only know what I learned back in college...

Thanks in Advance,

You will probably have to run two commands. One to read the table definition and then build the second one to perform the select you really want.

I put the following into a search engine and got a few results:-

informix command table columns

I hope that this helps,

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Hey Robin, thanks for the reply!

Sorry for the delay in my reply, the weather has been pretty crazy here the last few days...

Thanks, I used your keyword's search and found a few things to try, but still having a little trouble. I modified the Google search
a bit and found an example of someone trying to list ALL tables where they have column names with a certain string. Which is
pretty close to what I'm trying, but I'm just looking to search within one Table and not the whole DB.

This is the example I found. It lists all Tables and their column names that are LIKE "%string%". So how can I modify this to
search only within one Table instead of the whole DB. I only know the very basics of DB Querying so I'm not really sure...

SELECT c.name AS ColName, t.name AS TableName 
FROM sys.columns c 
    JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id
WHERE c.name like '%email%'

So that gives me a list of Column Names containing the string "email" and their corresponding TableName they are in... Any
idea how I can modify it to display just one Table and list column names and their data where the colname contains the string "email"..?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

After playing a bit with the given SQL Query above, I was able to add the part below in blue to include ONLY the table I want, but I'm still
trying to figure out how to include the data for those columns as well...

Thanks Again,