Query string assingment for other variable in PERL

Hi friends,

I want to use query string value to another variable but it gives following error when I use it with print out command,

Insecure dependency in open while running with -T switch at C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/cgi-bin/cdr_findere.pl line 119.

My code as follows,

my $PNumber = param ('PNo') ;

my $logfile = $PNumbe ;

open(OUT, ">$logfile.txt") or &dienice("Couldn't open
output file: $!");

print out "This is a test line" ;

foreach my $i (@query_calltype)

print OUT "$query_calltype[$i]\t $query_calltime[$i]\t $query_A_number[$i]\t $query_B_nember[$i]\t $query_calldurt[$i]\t $query_normalfe[$i]\t $query_normalfe[$i]\t $query_balanceA[$i]\n";



Can somebody tell me how should I can solve this problem ?

Mahesh Fernando. :confused: