Query on File checking

Hi All,

I am a newbie to Shell programming and stuck with the folllowing issue:

Here is the code:

#! /bin/sh

if [ls "$1"];
   echo "Checking if the file is found or not"

On running, I get the following error:

spk265@linax1[~]$ ./shell ./sample/samplenew
./shell: line 3: [ls: command not found

I have written this code to check if a file exists at the locn specified.

Waiting for response


replace it with

if [ `ls $1` ];
           echo "Checking if the file is found or not"


Thanks for your help.

I have another query:

The code should be checking if a file exists or not.

When I run the command for a existing file, the message is printed. But the same happens for a non-existent file.

What can be the issue?

ls command returns a error when run in isolation with the filename. How should I capture the error message?

check the file is exist or not, should use -f

if [ -f "$YOUR_FILE" ] ; then