Python subprocess

Hi guys,

I'm learning python and perl and i was trying to run from python a perl script using the subprocess module.
I have an issue that i don't understand regarding this.

I run this code:

import subprocess

p2 = subprocess.Popen(["grep", "print", ""],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output2 = p2.communicate()[0]
print output2

p1 = subprocess.Popen(["perl",""],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output1 = p1.comunicate()[0]
print output1

First part : run grep, works as expected, i can get the ouput and display it.
The second one, when i actually want to run the perl script and get the output throws me an error :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 9, in ?
    output1 = p1.comunicate()[0]
AttributeError: 'Popen' object has no attribute 'comunicate'

I don't understand why this happens since the code is similar. Can someone enlight me?


You have a typo comunicate() instead of communicate()

Yeap, I saw it after all. Thanks