Python regular expression screen scrub


I am trying to write a python script that executes a command to screen scrub results below
I will appreciate it very much if you can help me with a python script that can
pick the percentage USAGE in the second column based on the supplied queue number in the first column

import re
content = """NUMBER of Queues = 5
SYSTEM Treshold = 80%

QUEUE   USAGE   TOTAL book1   book2


0001 18%   822   481    98  

0002 16%   345   765    88  

0003 10%   400   300   166  

0004 15%   994   322    177  

0005 17%   348   297    131  

---------------------------------------------------------- """

m = re.match("(0001)/(\d{%})", content)           
if m:

When i run this from the command prompt nothing shows up

I was able to get this screen scrub done using php preg_match_all
but i want to do the same with the re module in python.

Please suggestions and help will be very much appreciated
