Python passing filename through argument

A python beginner question on passing filename thru argument. My code is:


import sys, getopt
import os

def main(argv):
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hi:o:ce", ["help", "inputfile", "outputdir", "containment", "error_tolerance"])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print("Usage: %s -i inputfile -o outputdirectory -c containment -e error_tolerance" % sys.argv[0])

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
           print ' -i <inputfile> -o <outputdir> -c <containment> -e <error_tolerance>'
        elif opt in ("-i", "--infile"):
           inputfile = arg    #Is this the right way to pass filename thru argument?
        elif opt in ("-o", "--outdir"):
           outputdir = arg
        elif opt == '-c':
           containment = arg
        elif opt == '-e':
           error_pct = arg

if __name__ == '__main__':

def get_overlap_data(m4_filename):
    containment_tolerance = containment
    permitted_error_pct = error_pct
    overlap_data = {}
    contained_reads = set()
    with open(m4_filename) as m4_f:
        for l in m4_f:
            # ......omitted
    return overlap_data, contained_reads

overlap_data, contained_reads = get_overlap_data(inputfile)   #This line always gave error

but I always got error as:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 123, in <module>
    overlap_data, contained_reads = get_overlap_data(inputfile)
NameError: name 'inputfile' is not defined

I was wondering what the right way it is to pass filename thru argument in python. Related lines are highlighted in red.
Thanks a lot!

With python, error debuging starts at the bottom - with the 'last' error found
Also, to parse options, you should loop through the arguments, and use a case statement to identify the current option name 'opt' (which was retrieved from arg[v]).

Have a look at: info getopt and continue reading (PGDN).
Also checkout man getopt , to get a possible location for code Examples.

Hope this helps

Note also that inputfile is only defined if a -i inputfile option is present on the command line.

Maybe you want to define it with a default value in case that option is not present. Or, if there is no reasonable default, print an error message and exit if no -i option was found while parsing the options.

What I expected to have the script working in following command line:

python -i infile -o outdir -c 500 -e 2

Could not find examples on handling file I/O stream.
I have difficulty to understand string[file] I/O stream here. In the example code, the function prototype is
def get_overlap_data(m4_filename):
and, calling of the function is by
overlap_data, contained_reads = get_overlap_data(inputfile)
where inputfile = arg from argument parsing.
I am not sure what I have missed among the connections, if any stream is involved.
Thanks any way!

The inputfile name is defined inside the function main, so it is out of scope when you're calling

overlap_data, contained_reads = get_overlap_data(inputfile)

, so you could just call get_overlap_data from inside of main, after handling all the args.

I regret posting this naive questions before I read the book(s). After some more reading and found out one solution:

overlap_data, contained_reads = get_overlap_data(sys.argv[1])  

Need more about getopt() and argparse (as Aia pointed out below) in python.
Thanks to all who replied.

Try to learn about argparse instead of getopt .
Some documentation why getopt or optparse might not be the right solution.

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