Python Pandas: how to replace column of string type

Hello. This program was suggested by ChatGPT so I try to solve type errors here.

I am importing data from csv .txt like this:

"-CISR-877516-2","JDFA-45192081-1","877516","Fryštát-Nové Město-Hranice-Mizerov-Ráj-Nové Město-Fryštát","","704","","","",""
"-CISR-877516-1","JDFA-45192081-1","877516","Fryštát-Nové Město-Hranice-Mizerov-Ráj-Nové Město-Fryštát","","704","","","",""

route_id is VARCHAR and I need to get rid of "-CISR-" on all rows in the source column. I cannot grasp how it works. It first suggested to replace this

routes_data['route_id'].apply(lambda x: x.replace('-CISR-', ''))
with this

                route_id = routes_data['route_id'].replace('-CISR-', '')
                last_route_id = route_id
because I want to save the last_route_id and pass it to log function... write_last_row...
import pandas as pd
import pymysql
import io
import zipfile
import csv

def write_last_row(filename, last_row_number, last_sid, last_route_id, error_message=None):
    with open(filename, 'w') as file:
        if error_message:
            file.write(f"Error: {error_message}\n")
            file.write(f"Last row number: {last_row_number}\n")
            file.write(f"Last sid inserted: {last_sid}\n")
            file.write(f"Last route id: {last_route_id}\n")

logfile = "error_log.log"

mydb = pymysql.connect(

mycursor = mydb.cursor()

        route_id VARCHAR(255),
        route_short_name MEDIUMINT,
        route_long_name VARCHAR(255),
        PRIMARY KEY (route_id)
mydb.commit()  # Commit po vytvoření tabulky

zip_path = "/mnt/ramdisk/"
chunksize = 10
last_row_number = 0
last_sid = 0  # sid = stop_name id (relation to `stops_names` table)
# sid is important to get stop_name from `stops_names`
last_route_id = 0

with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_file:
    with'routes.txt', 'r') as routes_file:
        for routes_data in csv.reader(io.TextIOWrapper(routes_file, 'utf-8')):
            last_row_number += chunksize
                # route_id = routes_data['route_id'].replace('-CISR-', '')
                # last_route_id = route_id
                # problem here ... I need to replace the values in column:
                routes_data['route_id'].apply(lambda x: x.replace('-CISR-', ''))

                # get sid and stop_name from table stop_names for the stop using LEFT JOIN
                routes_data['sid'] = 0  # default 0 if stop not found
                routes_data['stop_name'] = ""
                for index, row in routes_data.iterrows():
                    stop_name_query = "SELECT stop_names.sid, stop_names.stop_name FROM routes LEFT JOIN stop_names ON routes.sid = stop_names.sid WHERE routes.route_id = %s"
                    mycursor.execute(stop_name_query, (row['route_id'],))
                    result = mycursor.fetchone()
                    if result:
                        sid = result['sid']
                        stop_name = result['stop_name']
                        last_sid = sid
                        error_message = f"sid unique identifier {row['route_id']} not found"
                        write_last_row(logfile, last_row_number, last_sid, last_route_id, error_message)

                    # to change the trip long description
                    needle = stop_name.split(',')[0]  # Needle is city name
                    if needle in row['route_long_name']:
              [index, 'route_long_name'] = row['route_long_name'].replace(needle, f"#{sid}:")  # @WRONG - LLM didn't change the needle to stop_name!
              [index, 'route_long_name'] = ""  # Stop name not found in stop description, remove it

                    sql = "INSERT INTO routes (route_id, route_short_name, route_long_name) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"
                    val = (row['route_id'], row['route_short_name'], row['route_long_name'])
                    mycursor.execute(sql, val)

                # COMMIT
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Chyba při zpracování dat: {e}")
                # log
                write_last_row(logfile, last_row_number, last_sid, last_route_id)

mycursor.execute("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'routes'")
table_status = mycursor.fetchone()

print("Velikost tabulky routes na disku:", table_status['Data_length'] / 100000000, "stovek MB")


First what type is this:
is it a bunch of lines?

Second. How to perform the replace(..,'') of the data here?

This was a test for 10 lines, but I plan to increase the chunks number to 1000. Because I am exporting this to mysql db, and I cannot make queries every one record. There is some jobs between the lines like LEFT JOIN on table with stop_names to retrieve arrays of sid,stop_name

This particular csv can have from 670 000 to more than million records.

here's a trivial example - using your data that may help you progress

NB: this is a TRIVIAL example to help ... (i have tested - as you can see)

import csv


for tuple in csvData:
        print( 'BEFORE:'+ str(tuple) )
        tuple['route_id']= tuple['route_id'].replace('-CISR-','')
        print( ' AFTER:' + str(tuple) )

print( '\nloaded\n')


# run it
BEFORE:{'route_id': '-CISR-877516-2', 'agency_id': 'JDFA-45192081-1', 'route_short_name': '877516', 'route_long_name': 'Fryštát-Nové Město-Hranice-Mizerov-Ráj-Nové Město-Fryštát', 'route_desc': '', 'route_type': '704', 'route_url': '', 'route_color': '', 'route_text_color': '', 'route_sort_order': ''}
 AFTER:{'route_id': '877516-2', 'agency_id': 'JDFA-45192081-1', 'route_short_name': '877516', 'route_long_name': 'Fryštát-Nové Město-Hranice-Mizerov-Ráj-Nové Město-Fryštát', 'route_desc': '', 'route_type': '704', 'route_url': '', 'route_color': '', 'route_text_color': '', 'route_sort_order': ''}
BEFORE:{'route_id': '-CISR-877516-1', 'agency_id': 'JDFA-45192081-1', 'route_short_name': '877516', 'route_long_name': 'Fryštát-Nové Město-Hranice-Mizerov-Ráj-Nové Město-Fryštát', 'route_desc': '', 'route_type': '704', 'route_url': '', 'route_color': '', 'route_text_color': '', 'route_sort_order': ''}
 AFTER:{'route_id': '877516-1', 'agency_id': 'JDFA-45192081-1', 'route_short_name': '877516', 'route_long_name': 'Fryštát-Nové Město-Hranice-Mizerov-Ráj-Nové Město-Fryštát', 'route_desc': '', 'route_type': '704', 'route_url': '', 'route_color': '', 'route_text_color': '', 'route_sort_order': ''}


[{'route_id': '877516-2', 'agency_id': 'JDFA-45192081-1', 'route_short_name': '877516', 'route_long_name': 'Fryštát-Nové Město-Hranice-Mizerov-Ráj-Nové Město-Fryštát', 'route_desc': '', 'route_type': '704', 'route_url': '', 'route_color': '', 'route_text_color': '', 'route_sort_order': ''}, {'route_id': '877516-1', 'agency_id': 'JDFA-45192081-1', 'route_short_name': '877516', 'route_long_name': 'Fryštát-Nové Město-Hranice-Mizerov-Ráj-Nové Město-Fryštát', 'route_desc': '', 'route_type': '704', 'route_url': '', 'route_color': '', 'route_text_color': '', 'route_sort_order': ''}]

Will this work for a million of records and 4GB ram (470 MB) free? The original code is reading by chunks.

try it and see .... - not at a place where i can attempt atm.

alternatively check out the mysql function MySQL SUBSTRING_INDEX Function and let mysql do the hardwork

alternatively alternatively ... do it in sed on the input file before consuming

pipe to a temp file which you consume then delete.

sed 's/-CISR-//' input.txt
"877516-2","JDFA-45192081-1","877516","Fryštát-Nové Město-Hranice-Mizerov-Ráj-Nové Město-Fryštát","","704","","","",""
"877516-1","JDFA-45192081-1","877516","Fryštát-Nové Město-Hranice-Mizerov-Ráj-Nové Město-Fryštát","","704","","","",""

No I will not try it thanks. I am not gonna risk it. My original code is working with a limited number of records. This was a test for 10 lines, but I plan to increase the chunks number to 1000. Because I am exporting this to mysql db, and I cannot make queries every one record. There is some jobs between the lines like LEFT JOIN on table with stop_names to retrieve arrays of sid,stop_name ... from db. So this is not so easy. And I am gonna use the pandas modul, so probably I will try to read more on this topic.

@visitor123 , please - snipy remarks not needed 'If you are not smart enough to tell...' is unnecessary and unwarranted. I am not in a place where I could attempt, hence ... 'try it and see...'.

Sorry for my frustration, probably I'm gonna crazy because of the ChatGPT stupid answers

OK, so it's clear now. The problem is that ChatGPT did change the method of reading from pd to csv. It did not change the variables or variable names however so I did not noticed. When I asked about getting type I found it is of list type not dataframe or series.

So what was necessary to do is this

with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_file:
    with'routes.txt', 'r') as routes_file:
        for routes_data in pd.read_csv(io.TextIOWrapper(routes_file, 'utf-8'),chunksize=chunksize):

However I have found that it would be better to use numpy vectorisation. There is good benchmark here

which reveals that numpy could be better choice when processing huge amount of data

However, this is only 1/2 of the problem, because the second part is how to process replace and sid(s) to get SQL query like SELECT sid,stop_name FROM stop_names WHERE id IN (... ids ...)
so the ids must be taken from the dataframe and I think it would be better to create a function to rename the route_id column and to get the ids in one loop.