Python: multiple email recipients

I am using a the following backup script to backup a server to USB.

USBBackupScript - RdiffBackupWiki

However I don't know python and would like to alter the script so I can send emails about the success or failure of the backup to multiple recipients.

I did do some research but the limit of my expertise is bash scripts at present and so I would appreciate some help.

The relevant code sections from the script are:

def emailReport(report):
        msg = email.MIMEMultipart.MIMEMultipart()
        msg["To"] = config[""]
        msg["From"] = config["email.from"]
        if (report.success):
                msg["Subject"] = config["email.subject"] + " - SUCCESS"
                msg["Subject"] = config["email.subject"] + " - FAILURE"
        if (dryrun):
                msg["Subject"] += " *** DRY RUN ONLY ***"
        msg.preamble = "Mime message\n"
        msg.epilogue = ""

        msgBody = email.MIMEText.MIMEText(

        logAttachment = email.MIMEText.MIMEText(report.log)
        logAttachment.add_header("Content-disposition", "attachment", filename="backup_log.txt")

        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(config["email.smtp_server"])
        smtp.sendmail(config["email.from"], config[""], msg.as_string())

And the config's are read from the ini file, specifically:

# enable sending of reports by email
enable = yes
# from and to addresses
from =
to =
# base subject line for the email
subject = Backup: MYSERVER
smtp_server = localhost