Python Changing Default Mutable Value After Import

Is it possible to change a (just a snippet of all the code):

Class Setup(object):
def __init__(self, localm = '', remotem = '',
		license = "blah\n"
		"blah blah\n"
		"blah blah blah\n"
		self.lm = localm
		self.rm = remotem	
		self.lic = license

default mutable value after it is imported or after initialization of a class using ipython? For example:


Class Setup(object):
def __init__(self, localm = '', remotem = '',
		license = "blah\n"
		"blah blah\n"
		"blah blah blah\n"
		self.lm = localm
		self.rm = remotem	
		self.lic = license

Setup          type      <class '__main__.Setup'>
logging        module    <module 'logging' from '/<...>.7/logging/__init__.pyc'>
pasted_block   str       __init__stuff

Setup.__init__.__defaults__("remotem = ''")
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-e07587c9ad62> in <module>()
----> 1 Setup.__init__.__defaults__("remotem = ''")

TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable

or after the class initialization? What I want to achieve in the above example is to change the ip address without having to modify my code that is in Eclipse.