Putty Serial Connection problems

Hi forums,

I was wondering if any of you have faced this problem that I have been having for quite some time now regarding serial connection with putty to my Solaris Box Sunfire v250 and Sun v220 and sun v440.

The serial connection freezes on my Windows 7 64 and 32 Bit machines.
I unplug and plug it back in and try to reconnect the connection only to get an error message "Unable to open connection"
The only remedy was to force restart my Windows 7 machine.
Is there any processes or services I can force it to shut down rather than force rebooting my Windows machine every time this happens?

I also notice in my device manager when the Serial connection freezes the "COM4 serial to Bridge" device is no where to be seen.

I am using putty version .62
Serial: COM4
Speed: 9600
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None
Flow control: XON/XOFF

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

This is rather a Windows question and has most probably nothing at all to do with the systems) you are connecting to, no? I suggest asking this in a Windows-Forum.

The best help i could offer you is (somewhat tongue-in-cheek): install a real OS (like GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, whatever) on your PC and you won't need Putty at all, as you could use a native ssh over the terminal emulation of your choice.

I hope this helps.


I am assuming here that the Windows side uses a USB to "RS232"-Serial converter.

These can be notoriously unreliable.

I am also assuming the the V250 has a _standard_ 9 pin RS232 port.

Try using a high quality USB to "RS232" converter with the Windows machine...

I would suggest changing the speed from 9600 to 1200 and observing whether reliability improves after the change.
Also XON/XOFF can be disabled at the slower speed just in case handshaking is giving grief.

Ya, I agree.. This is almost certainly a USB issue on the computer initiating the connection. Try another USB port. Or, if you're using a USB hub, connect directly to the computer.