Putty Command

Hi, I am trying to update my site using putty. My server is in linux. I found few commands that help me to access and do few stuffs in the server. Please add additional command.

ls - to list files in a directory:
cd - change directory (navigate to some directory):
cp - copy a file:
mv - move a file (also used to rename files):
rm - remove a file:
mkdir - make directory:
pwd - show your current location:
whoami - find out which user you are:
wget - to download some url content to the current directory
yum - To install any packages from the urls

What commands are available depends on what your system is. Let me add another to your list to help you find out:

uname and uname -a and cat /etc/issue

Don't mistake the TV for the show, by the way. None of these are "putty commands", you're just using putty to talk to something else. You could have used any other terminal, remote or local.

A google search for "linux cheat sheet" should have you up and running

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My Server OS is Centos. I have apache & Apache tomcat server installed with mysql database in the server.
I use putty to access server remotely & update the site.

commands like ls, dir, mv,cp,vi,ftp etc are working.Can any one tell me how to upload file/folders directly from my local machine to server using putty?

Use WinSCP for file transfer, its a great tool.

See here...


As already pointed out to you, Putty is just the tool that lets you interact with the machine. The commands are NOT for Putty but for the system that Putty is letting you communicate with. A computer's mouse lets you interact with a system as well, but the things you click on are not mouse commands.

You could just as easily use Putty to communicate with a VMS machine, which will not take the same commands that the Linux machine does.

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