putty and Redhat


I use putty and vncviewer on XP to get screen form the RH Enterprise ws 6.0 . Although it has high quality of graphics scrolling down leads to blinks on screen which is annoying while using EDA design tools.

Is there anyway to utilize putty (with some extra tool) so that EDA design tool pops up in XP while connected with putty. (ie. when i launch the tool on the terminal provided by putty, it will run as if it is launched on XP)


Actually yes, PuTTY is capable of forwarding X11(The standard UNIX window server) from the remote host to your machine, though there's a few steps in the process.

1) Install an X server on your Windows machine. There's many Windows implementations available, lots of them commercial, some open source(cygwin has one I believe).

2) Tell PuTTY to forward X11 back to your computer when you connect. That's under connection -> ssh -> X11. Now when the remote host connects to, it will actually connect to a socket made by sshd, which will obligingly forward the connection back to your ssh client, which will connect to the local X11 server you configured it to. (You may need to set X11Forwarding to "yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the remote host, then restart sshd.)

3) Make sure DISPLAY is exported to the appropriate address on the Linux machine(sshd will probably set it itself, but it's good to check).

4) Run the graphical Linux command on the remote terminal.

5) It should pop up on your screen.

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Xming X Server for Windows | Download Xming X Server for Windows software for free at SourceForge.net

Everything Corona said works just fine with Xming and no additional changes need to be made.

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