putting a solaris box on my network

I have a network, which consists of 3 windows machines, how would i get my solaris box onto this nextwork?

I would also like to know, for someone new to solaris, and unix in general, which book/ebook should i read first?

DHCP or static ip addressing?

static ip addressing

the simplest thing to do is as root, run the command 'sys-unconfig' when the system halst boot it, an it will ask you to enter the appropriate network information.

sorry to keep bothering you, but after ie nter the command what exactly do i do?

When you boot the server, it will ask you a series of questions. You can enter your network info there.

I did this, and when the system asked me questions it didnt say anything about entering network information.

see if this post helps ...

Hmm, i wrote down all of the things you told me oo, but when i did sys-unconfig and reconfigured it never asked me anything about network information

is your box on a live port on your switch?

I'm not sure :frowning:

is this solaris x86 or sparc version? if x86, have you checked that the machine and the nic card is in the supported devices list? if not, you might have to replace the nic card to a supported model prior to continuing ...

It's an x86 machine, and about the nic, this is an old gateway 2000 system, and i've forgotten exactly what kind of nic it is, do you think if i went through the books that came with the computer they would tell me?

they might but there's a big chance your nic card is not supported since sun really only had a very small list of supported hardware for the longest time and they pretty much restricted that list to the business pc models ...

So i wont be able to get this computer on a network?