PS -EF | GREP JAVA Modification


When I do ps -ef | grep java I get the following output on my server, But how to get just the last line and the pid....something like:-

wasadmin@ccos2104:TEST:bin> ps -ef | grep java
wasadmin  5935 54288  0 12:39 pts/8    00:00:00 grep java
 ccos2104Cell ccos2104 aa


wasadmin@ccos2104:TEST:bin> ps -ef | grep java
wasadmin  5935 54288  0 12:39 pts/8    00:00:00 grep java
wasadmin 14813     1  1 Jan14 ?        18:16:42 /u01/was85/java/bin/java -Dwas.status.socket=35920 -Dosgi.install.area=/u01/was85 -Dosgi.configuration.area=/u01/was85/profiles/appsrv/servers/aa/configuration -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Xshareclasses:name=webspherev85_1.6_64_%g,nonFatal -Xbootclasspath/p:/u01/was85/java/jre/lib/ibmorb.jar -classpath /u01/was85/profiles/appsrv/properties:/u01/was85/properties:/u01/was85/lib/startup.jar:/u01/was85/lib/bootstrap.jar:/u01/was85/lib/jsf-nls.jar:/u01/was85/lib/lmproxy.jar:/u01/was85/lib/urlprotocols.jar:/u01/was85/deploytool/itp/batchboot.jar:/u01/was85/deploytool/itp/batch2.jar:/u01/was85/java/lib/tools.jar -Dibm.websphere.internalClassAccessMode=allow -verbose:gc -Xms2560m -Xmx2560m -Xcompressedrefs -Xscmaxaot4M -Xscmx90M -Dws.ext.dirs=/u01/was85/java/lib:/u01/was85/profiles/appsrv/classes:/u01/was85/classes:/u01/was85/lib:/u01/was85/installedChannels:/u01/was85/lib/ext:/u01/was85/web/help:/u01/was85/deploytool/itp/plugins/ -Dderby.system.home=/u01/was85/derby -Djava.util.logging.configureByServer=true -Duser.install.root=/u01/was85/profiles/appsrv -Djava.ext.dirs=/u01/was85/tivoli/tam:/u01/was85/java/jre/lib/ext -Dpython.cachedir=/u01/was85/profiles/appsrv/temp/cachedir -Dwas.install.root=/u01/was85 -Dserver.root=/u01/was85/profiles/appsrv -Dprobe.log.dir=/u01/was85/profiles/appsrv/logs/aa -Dserver.log.root=/u01/was85/profiles/appsrv/logs/aa -Djava.library.path=/u01/was85/lib/native/linux/x86_64/:/u01/was85/java/jre/lib/amd64/compressedrefs:/u01/was85/java/jre/lib/amd64:/u01/was85/bin:/u01/was85/nulldllsdir:/usr/lib: -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/u01/was85/endorsed_apis:/u01/was85/java/jre/lib/endorsed -nosplash -application /u01/was85/profiles/appsrv/config ccos2104Cell ccos2104 aa


Hello crosairs,

The first line

wasadmin 5935 54288 0 12:39 pts/8 00:00:00 grep java

is NOT a actual process it is a process of the command itself, so if you do the following command it shoult not come then.

ps -ef | grep -v "grep" | grep java

Now if we want to get output for ccos2104Cell ccos2104 aa then following may help.

ps -ef | grep -v "grep" | grep "java" | awk '{print $(NF-2) OFS $(NF-1) OFS $NF}'

On a Solaris/SunOS system, change awk to /usr/xpg4/bin/awk , /usr/xpg6/bin/awk , or nawk . Hope this helps.

R. Singh

I'm confused a little. perhaps some good practice will help you whilst I try to work out what you need.

If you change your command to be ps -ef | grep jav[a] then you will only get the header and any real java processes, i.e. your grep will be excluded. If you want just a few columns from that very wide output, consider the -o formatting flag for the command instead, perhaps something like this will meet your needs if you are sure that these is just one real java process:-

ps -e -o pid= -o comm= | grep jav[a] | read PID COMM

I hope that this helps,