ps command showing full code of running script

Hi, I have a script running while rsync command is fired to push some files. The output of rsync cmd has been redirected to the script which is used to generate log files containing progress info with formatting. when I enter ps -ef | grep rsync it shows the full scripting code on the cmd line which looks odd. How could I make this output in one line? :wall:
please help.

please add your current code of "rsync command" and result of

ps -ef|grep  rsync

with question. people will be able to identify the issue.

The rsync command I am using is :
rsync -Sz --append --bwlimit= --progress --verbose -e ssh /tmp/Image-15.img root@localhost11::imgxfer/ 2>error.log | /tmp/ localhost11 >process.log

when I enter grep -ef | grep rsync I got the following lines which shows the the contents of script.

root 5774 5771 0 09:05 pts/0 00:00:00 sed --unbuffer ? # Get rid .............
root 5775 5771 0 09:05 pts/0 00:00:00 expect -- /opt/IBM/ITM/lx8266/53/bin/53-unbuffer -p awk ? BEGIN {.........
root 5777 5775 0 09:05 pts/7 00:00:00 awk ? BEGIN { FS = " "; startTi..........

The above all programs has been written into a single script "" which is called as :
"$PROGDIR/53-unbuffer" -p tr '\r' '\n' | sed --unbuffer "$sedProgram" | "$PROGDIR/53-unbuffer" -p awk "$awkProgram" >> "$logFile"

Here, "$sedProgram" is being replaced by all the code and displayed on ps -ef. same happens with awk and expect scripts. How could I supress the printing of content of varible in ps -ef?