project vs pool vs use

i am looking for a tool to see how many CPUs, controlled by FSS inside a pool, a project used over some time....

i have a 20k with several zones inside some pools. the cpu-sets/pools are configured with FSS and the zones with different shares. Inside the zones, i use projects with FSS shares. so, if you think about 6 zones with a pool of 20 cores, and in one zone an oracle database and an application installed, both in own projects with different shares. at the end of the day, i want to see how many CPU were really used by the oracle database the whole day...

thanks in advance...


maybe dimstat is what you need:

i got an answerer on sunmanagers mailing list, from Adrian Cockcroft, best known as the author of four books including Sun Performance and Tuning (2 editions); Resource Management; and Capacity Planning for Internet Services. Adrian is an accomplished performance specialist for Sun Microsystems and recognized worldwide as an expert on the subject.


he said that i could use extended system accounting, since the accounting records include the zoneid that may be enough to figure it out.

He wrote some code that makes it easier to get Extended Acct data into useable form from a cron job, which you can download from here:\_07\_01_archive.html which links to
Index of /orca/pub/extracct

He developed this over a long series of Blog posts starting here

so, let's see how it works,
