Programs not compiling successfully

Preface: this is not a homework question. However, my teacher gave us a review packet with some C coding, and for some reason none of the C programs are compiling. First I compiled them from the shell, then I used a compiler to see if something was wrong with compiling from a shell. Both produced the same results... they'll compile and execure, but there's no out put. Here is an example of some of the code examples:

   	 	 	 	 	 	  /* Character Arrays
    Read a set of text lines and print the longest
 #include <stdio.h>
 #define MAXLINE 1000

 int getline(char [],int);
 void copy(char [], char []);

 int getline(char s[], int limit) {
   int c, i;

   for (i=0; i<(limit - 1) && (c=getchar())!=EOF  
        && c != '\n'; i++)
     s = c;
   if (c == '\n') {
     s = c;
   s = '\0';
   return i;

 void copy(char to[], char from[]) {
   int i=0;

   while ((to = from) != '\0')

 int main() {
   int len, max;
   char line[MAXLINE], longest[MAXLINE];
   max = 0;
   while ((len = getline(line,MAXLINE)) > 0)
     if (len > max) {
       max = len;
   if (max > 0)
#include <stdio.h>
  int main () {
    long nc = 0;
    while (getchar() != EOF) 
    return 0;

Is there something I'm doing wrong here.... ?


Works fine for me:

$ cat textlen.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
  long nc = 0;
  while (getchar() != EOF)
  return 0;

$ gcc -o textlen textlen.c
$ cat textlen.c | ./textlen

Since these programs work on input text, are you passing any to them ?


"And the eighth and final rule: if this is your first time at Fight Club, you have to fight."