program to transfer a file from client machine to server

  1. we have a client & server ,and TFTP is running on the server.
    2.we have 3 files a.exe,b.exe,c.exe in the client machine....we need to transfer all the 3 files to the server and store it into a DIR...
    3.then we need to check in the server whetehr all the three files are sucessfully transfered..if s then in the server we need to exectue the 3 exe...

R u clear with this if not let me know where ur stuckup...

yes, I am clear with your description. So, what's the question..?

BTW, sorry for the delayed answer, but I really just happen to see this thread for the first time now..

if you are using tftp i asume a you thin client environment, so why copy the files at all ?
simply use NfS (or equivalent) and mount the file where you need them.

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