Profile file bash

Hi Experts,

Profile file was not found for one of the users on solaris box.

Default shell is bash for the user.

<prod>>:/home/produser:[!]:echo $SHELL
<prod>>:/home/produser:[!]:ls -lta |grep bash
-rw-------   1 produser prod        4157 Oct 19 17:32 .bash_history

Wanted to set some environment variables for the user.

How to set env variable for this user? should I proceed with manual creation of .bash_profile file?

Is there anything that I missed at the time of user creation which resulted in .bash_profile file not being created?

Thanks in Advance for your help!!!

check if you have file .profile in the home directory

if you have .profile you can put on it any enviroment variabler or you can create .bash_profile and put on it the enviroment variables

by the way if your shell bash and you have .profile and .bash_profile , .bash_profile will overide the .profile and if you don't have .bash_profile and have only .profile it works