procmailrc ignores INCLUDERC?

I have been using a procmail recipe for some time. I successfully include numerous INCLUDERC files. However, since each of these include files have become rather large over time, I started to try to organize better.

So where procmailrc once just had:


it now has:


In most cases, I have no problem.

However, in some cases, they symptom is that procmailrc "ignores" some of these INCLUDERC entries. I'm sure it isn't, but that's the best way to describe my problem.

So, if the exact same match rules are in all three included files (the folder to put the message in is different), the last INCLUDERC is the one which matches.

For example, school-filter.rc has:


  • ^

test-filter.rc has:


  • ^

and original-filter.rc has


  • ^

Verbose logging only shows that the incoming message isn't filtered and ends up in Inbox.

Does anyone have any suggestion as to what to look at?
