processes and shared memory

Hi again!
I have 2 questions ..:

How can i create exactly one number of processes ?
For example i want to create l*n processes and i tried this:


But it creates more than l*n

Also, i want each child to run another x.c program with 3 command line arguments(row,column and segment_id) using execvp() , but i can't do it.
In the x.c i have to multiply 2 arrays(A[l][m],B[m][n] different dimensions) and save the result to C[l][n] array.
I have the A and B arrays in the main program and i created a C array in shared memory like this:

int segment_id=shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,1024,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
int *C[l][n];		
C[l][n]=(int *)shmat(segment_id,NULL,0);

Any help ??

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