Process issue

They asked me to check is if process 'aanr' isn't working or hung!!

$ ps -ef | grep aanr
 artsadm 11355     1  0 20:15:01 ?        0:00 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr
 artsadm 28203     1  0   Sep 06 ?        0:49 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr
 artsadm 24646     1  0   Sep 26 ?        0:00 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr
 artsadm 17011     1  0   Sep 04 ?        2:09 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr
 artsadm 29761     1  0   Sep 05 ?        0:53 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr
 artsadm 18620     1  0   Oct 04 ?        0:18 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr

Usually there should be only 1 process running, but we have here multiple process. What should I do know..? Thankyou in advance!!

Try with

ps -elf | grep aanr

you are looking for process in state Z or D - this mean that the process is dead or zombie.

D means 'device driver'. You'll see processes doing a lot of I/O in this state sometimes.

If a device driver has crashed, they may be stuck in D forever though.

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$ ps -elf | grep aanr
 8 S  artsadm 11355     1  0  46 22        ?    455        ? 20:15:01 ?        0                                                                                                 :00 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr
 8 S  artsadm 28203     1  0  46 22        ?    829        ?   Sep 06 ?        0                                                                                                 :49 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr
 8 S  artsadm 24646     1  0  46 22        ?    500        ?   Sep 26 ?        0                                                                                                 :00 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr
 8 S  artsadm 17011     1  0  46 22        ?    453        ?   Sep 04 ?        2                                                                                                 :09 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr
 8 S  artsadm 29761     1  0  46 22        ?    828        ?   Sep 05 ?        0                                                                                                 :53 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr
 8 S  artsadm 18620     1  0  46 22        ?    838        ?   Oct 04 ?        0                                                                                                 :18 /usr/local/bin/perl5 ./aanr