Problems with filesharing between Solaris and Windows Server

Hi. I'm new here and new at using Solaris and I've been having some problems with file sharing between Windows Server 2012 and Solaris 10. I will really appreciate your help.

So my Windows Server (WS) 2012 has just three activated services: DNS, DHCP and Active Directory. Solaris too three activared services: DNS, DHCP and Samba

So the problem is this: In WS I create an user on Active Directory and a folder that I share with that user giving him read/write permission level.

When I access there I can see the folder but I can't write anything

Can you tell me how can I allow Solaris 10 to edit that file?

If i'm not being clear, please tell me, I really need to solve this

And sorry for bad english, i'm not native speaker

You are not providing much detail but I am going to try and guess the answer.

Your WS SMB user has his WS name account also as a Solaris name account? It looks like the Solaris login credentials used are giving visibility of the files on the Solaris system. Good. So you can see them but not edit or create them?

In this scenario Solaris security still takes effect so the protection mask on the Solaris share must allow that user write access. Moreover, probably in order to edit such a file editors often need to create a temporary work file so to do that the parent directory be allowed to be written to. So as a test I would set the parent directory protection mask on the Solaris box to 777 and see if that works. If it does you can decide afterwards how much you can tighten up that security before it stops working.

I could be completely wrong in my understanding of your issue so, if I am, please provide more detail.